The Essence
There exists only one Supreme Source, one inexhaustible Power calling Itself Allah, the profoundly living One, the Life beyond time that never diminishes. The One Reality never sleeps, nor even for a moment rests Its embracing Awareness. To the One alone belongs the emanation of planetary existence and the seven higher planes of Being, as spreading rays of sunlight belong to a single sun.
There is no being who can turn toward the Ever-Present Source in prayer or contemplation except through the Power and Love that flow from the Source Itself. Since the Ultimate Source abides beyond time, It always remains perfectly aware of what causes precede and what results follow from each event. Human beings can comprehend nothing of this encompassing Awareness save what Allah Most High transmits to them as gifts of Grace. All creation, including planetary and heavenly planes, is the brilliant Throne of Allah. To sustain and protect this vast manifestation of Divine Energy involves no effort at all for the Original Source, Who is supremely transcendent and Who subsists solely as Radiance.
My beloved Mohammed, there should never be the slightest compulsion brought to bear upon any person to walk the exalted way of Islam. Allow humanity to be attracted spontaneously to Islam by its utmost clarity, for Islam simply makes clear the truth that there can be only one Source. This truth dissolves the primal error that turns away from the Ultimate Source by mistaking various limited views to be ultimate. Whoever ceases to rely on any idol, on any limited human understanding, and relies for strength solely on the limitless Source Who calls Itself Allah, has grasped the most trustworthy support, the clear and indestructible essence of Islam.
Allah Most Wise hears inwardly the spoken and unspoken prayers, and perceives intimately the open and hidden motivations of all beings. Allah Most Merciful gives the perfect guidance and full protection of His Divine Friendship to those who affirm the Source of Love with every breath. Those who live the life of constant spiritual affirmation, Allah Most High brings forth from the shadow realm of subjective impulses and limited concepts into the dear Light of the Source. But those who turn away from the Source of Light, who for guidance and protection rely on the graven images of limitation, are drawn from the clarity of Revelation into the realm of shadows, and will inevitably experience the Splendor of Allah as blinding fire.
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