The Apprentice Weavers

Alan Watts:

On Zen
Tao: The Watercourse Way

Thomas Merton:

On Contemplative Prayer: Part 1
On Contemplative Prayer: Part 2
Where to Direct Your Mind
Mental Prayer
Union and Division

Ed Jason: Buddhist Garden

Lawrence Richardson: The Contemplative Prayer

Samuel Lewis: The Real Meaning of Crucifixion

Walter C. Schmidt: Qualities of those who follow Tao

Paul Tillich:

Excerpt: On The Courage To Be
Do You Know What It Means To Be Touched By Grace

Jack Kornfield:

The Eightfold Noble Path: Right Understanding
Buddha Wanted - Apply Within

Kwok Man Ho and Joanne O'Brien: The Oil Seller

Anthony de Mello: One Minute Wisdom

Dr. Kevin McGann: On Chanting

Beverly Ferguson: The Meaning of OM

Nitin G.: The Buddhist Mandala

Thomas Keating, ocso:

A Traditional Blend
The Transformation of Divine Love

Dan Landrum: Meditation: The Inner Smile

Puran Bair: Heart Rhythm Practice

Lama Surya Das:

Love and Forgiveness
The Sounds of Insight

Peter Russell: Letting Go of Nothing

Judy Kennedy:

East Meets West:
Towards a Global Mysticism

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Jos Slabbert:

The Modern Taoist Sage
Wisdom and Compassion

Mordechai Housman:

What is Being Jewish?
Why Did G-d Create the World?

Bill Mason:

Taoist Ethics
Taoist Principles

Brian Robertson: The Trinity Within

Christmas Humphreys: The Twelve Principles of Buddhism

Quotations: Working For Peace

Kabir Helminski: The Completed Human Being

William Berkson: Pirkei Avot -Chapter1, Mishna 14

Matthew Fox: One River, Many Wells

Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee:

Poverty of The Heart
The Circle of Love
Lover and Beloved
Love is a Fire

Ted Kardash: The Wu-Wei Principle

Sri Swami Sivananda:

Bhakti Yoga

Rabbi Noah Weinberg:

The True Charisma
Be Aware of Every Moment

John Dear, s.j.: Blessed Are The Non-Violent

Derek Lin:

The Universe
Half Empty or Half Full?

Y. Ashlag: Commentary on The Tree of Life, by Ari

Charlotte Joko Beck: Excerpt from 'Nothing Special: Living Zen'

Rabbi Avrohom Czapnik: The Candle, and Hypocrisy

Dag Hammarskjöld: Excerpts from 'Markings'

Pema Chödrön:

Excerpt from 'The Wisdom of No Escape'
Joy: Excerpt from 'The Wisdom of No Escape'

Mind, Body, Spirit Website: Taoist Alchemy

Baba Ram Dass: Being Love

Yitzhak Buxbaum: The Jewish Way of Prayer

John Nicholas Grou, S.J.: Pure Love and Hope

Ron Olsommer: Creative Quietude

Jiddu Krishnamurti: Contradiction

Santiago Sia: Job's Question

Nathan R. Kollar: Toward a Spirituality of Pain

Sogyal Rinpoche: Essential Advice on Meditation

Benjamin Hoff: Nowhere and Nothing

Swami Radhananda:

Dispelling Illusions on The Path
Wave of Bliss

Rabbai Jacob Charlap: The Meaning of Jacob's Dream

Thich Nhat Hanh: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers

Pir Zia Inayat Khan: The Paradox of Universal Sufism

Paul William Roberts: The Beauty of the Vedas

Rabbi Ashlag: Who Am I?

Ron Julian: Commentary on Psalm 23

Bonnie Myotai Treace Sensei: Dogen Cubed

Fritjof Capra: The Way of Eastern Mysticism

From Hinduism Today: Namaskar

Avi Lazerson: Legends from the Talmud

Blaise Pascal: On the Necessity of the Wager

Zenkei Blanche Hartman: Pain as a Teaching

Gloria Chang: The Tao of Star Wars

Judith Hanson Lasater: To Tell the Truth

Rabbi Richard N. Levy: The God Puzzle

Jack Crabtree: The Parable of The Ten Virgins

Venerable Henepola Gunaratana: Mindfulness in Plain English

Zahurul Hassan Sharib: The Inward Peace

Translated by Normandi Ellis: Becoming The Child

David Frawley: The Secret of Agni

Larry Korn: Faith versus Logic

Dolores Curran: And Then God Said: Lighten Up

Jamiluddin Morris Zahuri: The Bubble in The Wine

Sascha T. Moore: The Forgotten Art of Blessing

Jhian Yang: About Yin and Yang

Sri Swami Sivananda: The Philosophy and Significance of Idol Worship

Gershom Scholem: The Trees of Eden in Jewish Mysticim

Sylvia Boorstein: Don't Just Do Something, Sit There

Liu Zhongyu: The Secret Meaning of Karma

Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakur: Four Types of Motivated Worship

Mary Ann Fatula: The Peace of God

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